I am so happy to be home with a healthy baby. We were discharged from the hospital Monday morning around 10am. Madison stayed fever free for 48 hours and all of the samples they took came back negative for all of the tests, which is great news. The doctors couldn't find a reason for her fever, but since it only lasted a few hours and never spiked again they said it was just 'one of those things'. I took her to see the pediatrician on Tuesday and she said Madison looks great, and is a healthy baby. She has gained 2 lbs since her first appointment with the pediatrician after we got home from the hospital when she was born. She is almost 10lbs!
After the hospital stay I was exhausted. I didn't sleep much, and was worried sick (literally, I started running a fever too) the entire weekend. So Monday I took a nap in the afternoon and tried to rest Tuesday. Yesterday I ran around like a mad woman catching up on all of my errands I had on my list to do all week. So I haven't worked out at all this week. I can tell because I feel lethargic and I am wanting to eat crappy foods....so I am going to run today! They close our gym at the complex from 9-10 to clean it, so as soon as it opens I'm headed over.
I am getting so excited for our Texas visit, I miss my family and friends terribly, and cannot wait for them to meet Madison. I know Bethany is excited to see her other family, even though I will miss her like crazy while she is staying with them.
Here's a picture of our little patient...she was such a good patient too, let the doctor's do whatever they needed to. The other patient is when we got home, she was very happy!!!
After the hospital stay I was exhausted. I didn't sleep much, and was worried sick (literally, I started running a fever too) the entire weekend. So Monday I took a nap in the afternoon and tried to rest Tuesday. Yesterday I ran around like a mad woman catching up on all of my errands I had on my list to do all week. So I haven't worked out at all this week. I can tell because I feel lethargic and I am wanting to eat crappy foods....so I am going to run today! They close our gym at the complex from 9-10 to clean it, so as soon as it opens I'm headed over.
I am getting so excited for our Texas visit, I miss my family and friends terribly, and cannot wait for them to meet Madison. I know Bethany is excited to see her other family, even though I will miss her like crazy while she is staying with them.
Here's a picture of our little patient...she was such a good patient too, let the doctor's do whatever they needed to. The other patient is when we got home, she was very happy!!!
She was very happy to be home!

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