I just love how Pun-y my last name is! A little catch up for the past few weeks!
We went to our sweet friend's little boy's first birthday and had so much fun! Madison is gearing up for her birthday as well, so our friend Becky took her photos. See above! If you are in VA and want to hire her check out https://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/pages/Becky-A-Gardner-Photography/247771818617589
Last weekend was also a huge weekend for the Major family! We participated in the family dedication at our amazing church, Lifepoint! We are so proud and honored to be parents of our sweet girls, and could not be more privileged to have the support of our church family as we guide our girls in life. We are so proud to publicly commit to raising our girls with Christian values and principles as they navigate thru this complicated life. To view a photo of this dedication see the link below!
Following the dedication we had a large group of people over to our house to celebrate! We love to entertain and haven't been able to in the new house very much so this was a great time. After we reassured all of the children that it was okay to walk on the cowhide in the front room we all had a great time! Thanks to everyone who came and shared in our big day with us!
We had a random snow day on President's day, and loved playing outside in it...even if it melted in less than 24 hours.
It seems our weeks are flying by lately. Bethany is doing Good News Club on Tuesdays after school, Piano Thursdays after school. Madison and I are at the gym each day as I get closer and closer to my goal of becoming a fitness instructor. Justin is working hard at his DOJ job and is doing so well. I could not be more proud of my man who is such a hard worker, and provider for our family. Madison is now 11 months old and in to everything! Preparations have begun for her big birthday bash, and I am so excited and sad and overwhelmed all at the same time.
We are still going to our couples bible study on Friday nights, I am in a women's bible study on Monday nights, and we lead a student bible study for 8th and 9th graders on Sunday evenings. Our weeks are packed but we are having the time of our lives right now. The only thing that could make it better would be having our families close by.
Projects around the house have kept us busy as well, and we are looking forward to spring so we can plant our first garden and play outside!
Busy lady!! Glad life is good! Take care.