
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Homemaker's Challenge! 31 days to CLEAN!

My intention is to create a second tab on the blog to keep this separate from the normal blog, but since it is 9:42 and the baby has been asleep for 2 hours already I want to get this done so I can still be semi functioning when she wakes up to eat before I go to bed. Anywho the challenge for today was to come up with a family mission statement, why do want to make our home a haven, and be specific.

Major Family Mission Statement:

In our house we will learn to laugh at ourselves, sing loud, and dance in the kitchen.

We will keep our house beautiful because the Lord dwells here too.

We will always remember to greet our guests with a hug, and never let them leave on an empty stomach.

This home is a place of refuge for our family and friends, please make yourselves at home.

We always say I love you, no matter what.

We will never leave or go to bed without a kiss.

Then we were to make it pretty and hang it in the I am printing it and putting it in a pretty frame to hang in the new house!!/HomemakersChallenge if you would like to join in on the fun, the book is only 4.99 on the kindle!


  1. Love!! I love the dancing in the kitchen. We do that pretty often. :) Good job!

  2. I found your blog from the Homemakers Challenge facebook page and am also doing 31 Days To Clean and I LOVE your mission statement! Thanks for sharing!
