
Sunday, May 29, 2011

Matching Dresses!

The sun was in their eyes but they still look adorable!

Toothless grins on both girls ;) Bethany just lost her 5th tooth!!

I have wanted to dress my girls in matching outfits from the second we found out that we were having a girl! But with a 6 year age gap finding matching outfits was not an easy task. I met my friend Bronwyn at Becky's baby shower this winter, and she has an adorable line of kids clothes. She let me select the fabric and style of dress, and all I had to do was measure the kids...she did a fantastic job, and I cannot wait to order more!! Thanks Bronwyn and Animal Craze Kids!

To shop Bronwyn's super cute stuff go to or find her on facebook at!/bronest

Thursday, May 26, 2011

2 Months old!

Can you believe she is already 2 months old??!!! And the most beautiful baby I have ever seen!!

Friday, May 20, 2011


Since I was in high school my favorite worship song has been Sanctuary. It is a simple and short yet beautiful song that is a true representation of what we should seek to be in our daily lives. defines sanctuary as : a sacred or holy place.

It goes:

Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary
Pure and Holy tried and true
With thanksgiving
Ill be a living sanctuary for you.

With all of the craziness that is going on in our lives right now with the baby, house hunting, and Bethany's sports and school I feel like I am pulled in 17 directions at once. I had all these great intentions of having quiet time with the Lord in the mornings before the girls wake up, but the baby isn't sleeping all night yet, so I sleep until Bethany wakes up. And that quiet time turns into a few minutes of worship music on 90.5 (if you're in VA and you haven't listened to this station yet, check it out it's great) on the way to drop Bethany off at school. I have a few devotionals that I have started and not kept up with. I want to be that Mom that finds time for everything. I want to be that proverbs 31 woman, and to be a sanctuary for the Lord. I know that he is dwelling in me, and I should want to glorify that place, decorate it with beautiful things.

When I have my moments of frustration with the kids or my husband or finding the perfect home I forget that I am not mine, and in those moments his dwelling place is not beautiful.

So this morning I am having that special time with the Lord, and I am making a promise to myself and to Him that I will work harder on our relationship, because when I am working on and nurturing my walk with Him, my frustrations will not be my own, but His and He will take care of my worries and needs.

So Lord please prepare me to be a sanctuary. Pure and Holy. Tried and True. and With thanksgiving, Ill be a living sanctuary. For you.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Home Sweet Home

I am so happy to be home with a healthy baby. We were discharged from the hospital Monday morning around 10am. Madison stayed fever free for 48 hours and all of the samples they took came back negative for all of the tests, which is great news. The doctors couldn't find a reason for her fever, but since it only lasted a few hours and never spiked again they said it was just 'one of those things'. I took her to see the pediatrician on Tuesday and she said Madison looks great, and is a healthy baby. She has gained 2 lbs since her first appointment with the pediatrician after we got home from the hospital when she was born. She is almost 10lbs!

After the hospital stay I was exhausted. I didn't sleep much, and was worried sick (literally, I started running a fever too) the entire weekend. So Monday I took a nap in the afternoon and tried to rest Tuesday. Yesterday I ran around like a mad woman catching up on all of my errands I had on my list to do all week. So I haven't worked out at all this week. I can tell because I feel lethargic and I am wanting to eat crappy I am going to run today! They close our gym at the complex from 9-10 to clean it, so as soon as it opens I'm headed over.

I am getting so excited for our Texas visit, I miss my family and friends terribly, and cannot wait for them to meet Madison. I know Bethany is excited to see her other family, even though I will miss her like crazy while she is staying with them.

Here's a picture of our little patient...she was such a good patient too, let the doctor's do whatever they needed to. The other patient is when we got home, she was very happy!!!

She was very happy to be home!

And by the next day she was her happy baby self with her big beautiful eyes, and poofy hair!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Madison's hospital stay: Day 2

Madison and I are enjoying a slow Sunday at Spotsy regional. She is doing so good!! And we cannot wait to go home tomorrow. She didn't want to sleep in the bassinet last night (and can you blame her? Those are for brand new babies, not big girls like her haha) So she got to cuddle with me all night. She slept great, you know like a baby....I on the other hand didn't get as much rest. Every move, twitch, and sound she would make woke me up. The doctors and nurses are so great here. They make sure we have everything we need, and are constantly checking on her. We have a good view of the woods from our 4th floor window.

Last night we had a visit from some sweet friends who brought me some Motrin because I started running a fever....all is well just a little sore throat. The doctor said I should be fine and that it was a good thing for me to keep breastfeeding because she is getting the antibodies she needs. Justin and Bethany came up and stayed for a few hours today, and Bethany is handling this really well. She understands that the baby isn't feeling well but that we will come home tomorrow, and it gets her some great one on one time with her daddy.

And in other news Madi has gained a pound and a half since birth, the doctor was pleased with that especially since she is a very dainty little girl!

Madison is deciding to take a nap now, so I will follow suit. Thank you everyone for your prayers and support, we appreciate it more than you know!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Poor Baby!

I am sitting here back at Spotsylvania Regional Medical Center 7 weeks after I delivered my healthy baby girl, with her as the patient. My sweet baby had been very fussy all day Friday, and when I took her temperature around 4 o'clock yesterday it read 101 so I called the pediatrician who sent us to the ER. We spent 7 hours in the ER where they drew blood, urine, and even spinal fluid. I have never been so stressed and concerned and emotional. My sweet, tiny baby was sick, and there was nothing I could do to help her. Oh it was terrible!

Finally around 12am we were sent up to our hospital room. It is standard procedure to admit any baby under 2 months who has a fever. She had nothing else going on cough or vomit or anything. She was still eating like she should and going potty the way she should too. So we settled in for a long night in the hospital. I thought for sure we would be home by this afternoon, but they are keeping her here until Monday. The doctor says he thinks it could be a UTI, but he isn't sure. She has not had a fever at all today and has still been in great spirits, although she has been exhausted from the long night in the ER. We were very fortunate to have friends take care of Bethany for us last night so that Justin could be here with us too. I was in a very fragile state last night, and needed Justin here with me and Madison. And we even had some other friends offer to take her for the night tonight, but Justin wanted to make sure Bethany wasn't crazy worried about her baby sister so they are having some good daddy daughter time tonight.

I know that the Lord has everything under control but there is such a feeling of terror when you see your tiny baby in pain. The test results have not come back from the lab, but the doctor does not seem concerned. She has been on broad spectrum antibiotics since last night, and they will continue them until we are discharged.

I cannot say enough nice things about this hospital. They have been amazing every time we have been here (this is our 4th trip....the other 3 were 2 monitoring visits while I was still pregnant and then when we had Madison) The staff here is exceptional, and they really care about their patients and their families.

I will post another update when we know more of what caused the fever, and when we get to go home. For now we would apprecitate any and all prayers as she is still on meds and we don't know what caused the fever.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What a challenge!

Last weekend at church our pastor's wife shared a lesson for Mother's day. It was about delighting in the tasks that the Lord has given you. She spoke about how she deals with the challenge of delighting in staying home with their 2 small children (2 and 4). Then 2 of my daily devotionals have been about the Proverbs 31 woman.

Kind of a big lesson for me since the Lord has been working on me for a while about what I am being called to do. After 3 years of working rear off I am dealing with the decision to leave the office and stay home. I shared at our home group the other week that I was having a hard time with this decision. I am struggling with the thought of being 'just a mom'. Even though I know that being a Mom is the greatest career of all. I struggle with it because I worked hard to get my degree and I put in 3 years of grueling work at a company, and I had been wondering if I was 'throwing it away'. After Sunday's message at church and my 2 devotionals, I think it is very clear that the Lord is calling me to stay home with the girls and that our plan is aligning with His. I am so excited to know that this is where I am supposed to be.

I never really thought about being a mom before I met Justin. I remember a talk I had with my dad when I started dating Justin. He asked me if I was ready for kids and if I even wanted kids since Justin and Bethany are very much a package deal. My dad asked me because he knew I hadn't given it much thought. And to be honest I was never one of those little girls who says they want x number of kids and the white picket fence. I knew I would go to college, get my degree, and get a job and that someday far in the future I would get married and have kids. In my view of the future I didn't see myself getting married my senior year and becoming a step mom. I never saw myself living on the east coast, being married with 2 kids before I turned 25.

I have been surprised and challenged by the Lord's plan for me. I am so blessed by what He has given me in this family and in my role as Mom! Sometimes the Lord's plan is very different from your plan, but I am so glad I was open to what he set before me. And now the challenge of delighting in my new role begins.......

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mother's Day

With my Nana and Mom at my bridal shower!

Being a Mommy is such a gift. I can say that with a deeper understanding of being a Mommy now than last year. I have been mothering Bethany, kissing boo boos, playing princess, wiping tears, and encouraging daily. I have been teaching and loving her since we met in 2006, and I can say that when she calls me Mom my heart swells with joy. The Lord brought us together as a family because we need one another. I need to be her Mom as much as she needs me and it really is a beautiful thing.

That being said, as I sit in bed with the baby sleeping on my chest I am filled with pride and happiness in each time she looks at me and smiles her toothless smile. Madison has given me the chance to fully experience motherhood and I am so happy the Lord blessed our family with her. She is such a character already, full of personality like we all knew she would be! She is a happy baby, and loves to snuggle. It is hard to explain how giving birth changed me. I am truly a Mommy and no one can take that away from me.

I love being a mom for my girls, I love watching Bethany play soccer and I love listening to her never ending stories that seem to be about nothing. And even when I am at my whits end, when she brings me a picture or note that says I LOVE MOM, I melt! I love all of the things B makes for me, which is why we have 2 large moving boxes full of her kindergarten work....what am I going to do with all of it?! I love Madison's little noises and watching her grow. I really don't mind the diapers and the late nights because she is only going to be this little for a short time. I love this season of life with the girls.

People may say that Mother's day is a Hallmark holiday but I think it is so important for everyone to reflect on how thankful they are for their Mom's and for Moms to reflect on how thankful they are for their children. My Mom is an amazing woman, and even though we can be like oil and water she is my stronghold. We talk at least 4 times a day, and I need those conversations. She is an amazing woman and I love her so much. Thank you mom for teaching me how to be not only a Mom but a Friend!! Also to my Nana, you are the most amazing person, and I am so lucky to have you in my life. These strong, beautiful women taught me everything I know about being a wife and mother. Thank you so much for the wonderful examples you set for me!

Here is a poem I found shortly after Madison was born, I think it is beautiful and wonderful and I LOVE IT!

Mother, O Mother, come shake out your cloth,
Empty the dustpan, poison the moth,
Hang out the washing, make up the bed,
Sew on a button and butter the bread.

Where is the mother whose house is so shocking?
She’s up in the nursery, blissfully rocking.

Oh, I’ve grown as shiftless as Little Boy Blue,
Lullabye, rockabye, lullabye loo.
Dishes are waiting and bills are past due
Pat-a-cake, darling, and peek, peekaboo

The shopping’s not done and there’s nothing for stew
And out in the yard there’s a hullabaloo
But I’m playing Kanga and this is my Roo
Look! Aren’t his eyes the most wonderful hue?
Lullabye, rockaby lullabye loo.

The cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow
But children grow up as I’ve learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs; Dust go to sleep!
I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep.

- Ruth Hulbert Hamilton

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

for the first time in about 11 months...OUCH!

Before I found out I was expecting baby Madison, I was doing really good with working out. I would get up in the mornings before work (yes at 4:45!) and go to the gym. I would workout and be at work by 7 and then work until 6. When I came home I would even do an at home workout on fitness on demand before bed. I was getting into a really good routine, until I got pregnant. Then I was sooo tired and just didn't feel like working out, so I didn't. That was all well and good because after all I was carrying our little blessing, but now that she is here I really want to get back into my pre-wedding shape. I gained some weight like most newlyweds do, and now it is time for it to leave! So last week I started with my walk down the fitness trail, and then on Friday I went to an outdoor mommy and me stroller work out that totally kicked my butt! To the point that I had a hard time sitting down all weekend because my legs and butt hurt so bad. Monday I had every intention of going to another stroller work out, but on my way out the door I ended up chasing down the elderly neighbor's dog, and then Madison decided to nurse for about 30 min longer than I didn't make it. This morning it is raining cats and dogs so I went to the gym at the complex (which is really nice) and decided to run. I started out with a goal of 1 mile or 30 min which ever came first. When I passed a mile at 11 min I kept going and finished at 1.5 miles in 18 min. So I kept going until 25 Min and my legs felt a little like jelly. I love the elliptical because it is so low impact, and I don't feel coordinated enough for the treadmill.

Anyway I will keep yall updated on my progress and I hope to work out at least 3 times a week!

I want to wear a dress that I wore on my honeymoon to my friend Kristina's wedding in June not to mention I have an amazing pair of Paper Denim and Cloth jeans that I need to wear in TX!!