
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I survived mom's night out!

Last night was my first night out since July of 2010! I am a very social person and I have always had girlfriends and girls' nights and things like that. So when I got pregnant and moved to VA that all pretty much stopped. Now that Madi is here I am at her beckon call 24-7. As a breastfeeding mother who hates her pump with a capitol H, I don't get much freedom, and it is by choice. So last night a dear friend was hosting a Tupperware party in northern VA....yes that's right my first night of freedom in over a year and I was at a Tupperware party. Go ahead say suburban right? But the ladies in attendance are some of my favorite people on the planet and even though we are suburban we are still awesome! I worried and stressed that I would not have enough milk for the baby, and she had never had formula before Monday. So I decided I would do my best to get what I could for her with the mother's torture device and if she was still hungry she could have a little of the fancy formula. So that's what we did. Justin got home and sent me on my way to ladies night! I only called home about 4 or 5 times, the baby was fine and so were Justin and Bethany. I didn't have a meltdown and I actually had a really great time. Tupperware is not the most thrilling subject matter but the stuff is really kind of cool. Bronwin ran over some of it with her car (and the woman has an enormous car!) and it didn't break! I ordered the keep your fruits and veggies fresh system, and I am going to host a party once we are settled in the new house. Of course at the Gardner's there is always tasty food and delish wine, so I had a great first night out....even if it was technically a night in at our friends' house. I am looking forward to our friends wedding on Oct 1...that will be the true test as it is our first overnight stay away from the baby, my parents are flying out to hang with the girls so Justin and I can have a couple of days for ourselves and to celebrate with the Boker's, and that wedding is in Ohio!

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