My sweet little love bug. You are almost 5 months old and not a day goes by I don't thank God for giving you to me. I love the faces you make. I love when you finish nursing and fall asleep you make this little pouty face when I move you to my shoulder. I miss the cute face you used to make when I took you out of your car seat. I love your crazy hair and that it is now long enough to get in your eyes. I love that you sleep in the same position as me and your daddy. I love watching the joy on your face when you see me for the first time in the morning. I love the way you smile at your sister. I love the way you gum your rice cereal and how you don't really know if you like it but want to keep eating it. You are obsessed with standing. I can't take my eyes off of you, not because you're mischievous (even though you are) but because you are amazing. I love watching you play with your toys and listening to you 'talk'. You can pretty much operate my iPhone. (yes I am serious, the kid knows how to play the baby ap. already) I love that you are a ham for the camera just like your sister. I know you're getting close to crawling and that terrifies me. I am not ready for you to sleep in your own room. I love that you hate formula. I love the way you look at your Daddy, like he is the most amazing person in the whole world (because he totally is!) I love the way you chew on your binkies and that you are only into them when it's time to sleep. I love that you still fit into some newborn and 0-3 month clothes and that you are still in size 1 diapers. I am so glad you are tiny mainly because it makes me feel like you're going to be my little bug even longer. I can't even begin to imagine all of the ways you are going to surprise me, make me proud, challenge me, and succeed in life! Thank you for being my little love bug!
Love, Mommy
Dear Bethany,
While I write this you are in trouble. Yep again. You are such a little spitfire. You challenge me every day. In a way I am glad you are such a spitfire, because I know it means you will be strong willed as an adult. But when all I want is for you to do is what I ask I wish you weren't. You are almost 6 and a half. You are wearing size 8 clothes and have more hair on your head than I have ever dreamed of having. You are in a hurry to grow up most of the time, and then sometimes you surprise me and want to cuddle and be my little girl again. You keep me and Daddy on our toes constantly, and sometimes you make us crazy. You are a very loving little girl. You always want hugs and kisses and never forget to tell us how much you love us. When you were very little I started the do you know how much I love you game, and you have never forgotten...but you still don't really get it. This morning I told you I love you more than the moon and the told me you loved more than the coffee maker but hey Ill take it (we do have a really nice coffee maker) I remember the first time I met you, you were 18 months old. Daddy had picked you up for the weekend and we were in the tiny apartment that Daddy lived in with Uncle Jeffy in Killeen. You were so funny and so sweet. You kept hiding in the cupboard that was supposed to be for dirty laundry (the boys didn't use it, but that was what it was for, it had a little opening at the top that you could drop stuff into and then you could open the door at the bottom to get it out.) I was so nervous. I had never been around a baby before, and I was getting even more nervous because I was in love with a man who came with one. We quickly adapted and became a family. And even though you are not my blood you are my baby. I love you more than the moon and the stars and I never ever want you to forget that. I love the way you sing, and 'play' your guitar. I love how curious you are. I love your sense of humor and when you try to be sarcastic. I love that you want to be just like me, and that terrifies me too. I wish you would be less picky about your food. I love that you love God. I love that you never stop asking about Him. I love that you want to know more about having Jesus in your heart. I am sorry I lose my temper. I don't care what you say you are not ready for training bra. I can't believe you are starting first grade next week! Thank you for being you!

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