
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Major Motivation!

There has been a new energy surging thru our little family, and this has all of us working towards goals. I feel so inspired and excited about bettering our family, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Justin and I joined a new gym this week, and I had my first training session with a personal trainer today. I felt so amazing afterwards! It felt great to have someone show me what I needed to be working on vs. the way I usually do it. Which is to snag an eliptical in the back row, run for about 1.5-2 miles, and head on my way because I have no idea what to do with the 7000 machines that line the weight floor. Anyway I will probably be bedridden tomorrow due to muscle pain but for today I am loving it!
We are back on Dave Ramsey and getting our financial fittness in gear. I am proud to say we have a great afternoon routine that requires all homework and piano practices done before play time. And Justin and Bethany are learning Russian. Yep...Russian. We are all working hard to better ourselves and I have to say as a parent that makes me so happy. Our girls are getting to see us work hard for things we want to achieve and isnt that the best motivateor there is? We have to follow thru so they learn to be honorable and finish what they start. So fantastic. I also started an online bible study that requires you to anwser questions and take a test at the end of each lesson. Which is great because since I am not the best at sitting down and doing my study each day. This will make me commit to it like it is a class! So much good stuff! Also my good friend Becky came over to take our fall family photos at the new is a sneak peak!

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed, and maybe even a little motivated. Love the pictures. You have such a beautiful family!
