
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Wives submit to your husbands...

Yes that's right I said the S word....submit! When I was younger and had studied this scripture less I thought it was a terrible thing to 'submit' to your husband. I took that to mean be a doormat, let him rule you, etc. But the thing is, it doesn't mean that at all. The other part of that scripture calls the husband to love his wife as Jesus loved the church...these are both impossible tasks without the holy spirit! (Ephesians 5: 21-30)

I have been reading a couple books this week that focus on being the kind of wife the Lord calls us to be. Being a Godly wife is a challenge we are all given in marriage. It is this commitment to the Lord that should convict us to not only submit to our husbands but to delight in our position as wife and mother. Now I am not saying that you let your husband make every decision for you, because I believe that it is a partnership...but in that partnership the husband has the final decision. If you come to a situation where you do not agree, ultimately he has the final say. Will this always be easy to accept? No. But Justin and I adpoted this when we first got married and I will say that we have never reached a situation where he undermined my opinion or didn't take it into consideration. We come to a consinsous and the worst thing that has happened is he says not right now, but it is very rarely a no. If your husband is loving you as he is called to then he will not abuse his 'veto power'.

Another thing I have learned is to delight in the presence of your spouse and your daily tasks, and that sometimes it is okay to 'fake it until you make it'. Meaning that there are times when you do not delight in making beds, doing laundry, and gasp....listening to ramblings concerning the loop holes in the newest xbox game. But even if you are not excited to do these things, you are called by the Lord to do do them. Before you know it you will be delighting in these things. You will find your marriage in a happier place.

Please check out these 2 books! I am loving these!

1. The Good Christian Wife
2. The Politically Incorrect Wife

1 comment:

  1. Gotta be honest, this is a hard one for me to digest. Read it to John, and he has been telling me to submit daily. :)
